(서울=뉴스와이어) 2015년 12월 15일 -- 색다른 두 스타트업이 글로벌 시장을 목표로 남다른 도전에 나선다. 14일 서로 관련이 없을 것 같은 두 스타트업인 데이터 분석 분야의 드림스퀘어(대표 한신환)와 핀테크 분야의 후즈굿(대표 윤덕찬)이 글로벌 진출을 위한 상호간 협력 방안...
The International Eco-Cities Initiative at the University of Westminster has entered into a new knowledge partnership with Connect4Climate, an initiative launched jointly by the World Bank, the Italian Ministry of Environment, and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Corporation and Development, to promote solutions and to empower people to take action on climate change.
On December 8, huge images representing nature, humanity and climate change were digitally projected onto St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City as a gift to Pope Francis on the opening day of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The show, titled ‘Fiat Lux: Illuminating Our Common Home,’ was produced by creative studio Obscura Digital on behalf of a humanitarian coalition of charitable organizations, including the Oceanic Preservation Society, and under the auspices of the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate initiative. By projecting graphics depicting the shared natural world, the show sought to tell a visual story about the interdependency of people, animals and plants.
"Fiat lux: illuminare la nostra casa comune", evento realizzato in partnership e a scopo benefico da 5 tra fondazioni, organizzazioni e societa' internazionali, con il patrocinio della Connect4Climate e del World Bank Group, ha concluso la prima giornata del Giubileo della Misericordia.
El Vaticano concluyó la inauguración del Jubileo de la Misericordia con la proyección en la basílica de San Pedro de imágenes sobre la protección del medio ambiente.
Film4Climate International Charter for Greening Film Production, Video Paris, France - infoZine - Film4Climate, an initiative of Connect4Climate, the climate change communications program supported by the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea, the German Federal Ministry for Development and the World Bank Group in collaboration with more than 300 global partners, announced at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 21) this week the Film4Climate International Charter establishing universal guidelines for greening film production.
Film4Climate, an initiative of Connect4Climate, the climate change communications program supported by the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea, the German Federal Ministry for Development and the World Bank Group in collaboration with more than 300 global partners, announced at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 21) this week the Film4Climate International Charter establishing universal guidelines for greening film production.
Pandas, poissons, et léopards se sont retrouvés sur les murs légendaires de la basilique Saint-Pierre au Vatican pendant plus d'une heure mardi, dans le but d'attirer l'attention sur les négociations de la COP21, la conférence sur le climat de Paris, qui doit prendre fin dans quelques jours, et pour remercier le Pape François pour la solidarité de l'Église catholique avec tous ceux qui luttent pour la protection de la planète et contre la pollution à travers le monde.
L'8 dicembre si è aperto il Giubileo straordinario della Misericordia. Quanto la Chiesa è un'istituzione antica, rispettosa osservante di tradizioni millenarie, tanto la comunicazione di questo anno santo appena iniziato sarà moderna, completamente immersa nel mainstream contemporaneo.
VATICAN CITY - This week, the facade and cupola of St. Peter's Basilica, normally a brightly lit beacon in the capital's sky, went dark for a few hours, throwing the Italian news media into high alert. "Black out and fear for an electrical failure at St. Peter's," read one alarmist headline the next day.