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Pandas, elefantes, leões, bem como imagens alusivas às alterações climáticas, encheram ontem a fachada e a cúpula da Basílica de São Pedro, no Vaticano. Mais de 100 mil pessoas assistiram ao espetáculo "Faça-se Luz", que pretende sensibilizar os católicos para a questão das alterações climáticas, na semana em que decorre a Cimeira do Clima em Paris.
Auf der Fassade des Petersdoms bestaunten am Dienstagabend Tausende Zuschauer Großprojektionen zum Thema Klimawandel. Die Macher aus dem Umfeld der Weltbank hatten dabei auch Motive gewählt, die auf die Gefährdung des weltweiten Artenreichtums aufmerksam machen sollten.
Earlier this week, I joined partners from Connect4Climate, Earth Day Italia, the people of Italy, and groups from around the world in a march that began at the Colosseum and culminated in Saint Peter's Square.
V torek zvečer je bazilika svetega Petra v Vatikanu spremenila svoj izgled. Na njenem pročelju so se predstavile številne čudovite podobe, med katerimi so glavno mesto zasedale prev živali, ki jih lahko občudujete tudi v naši fotogaleriji ali v filmčku spodaj. Multimedijska predstava Fiat lux – Razsvetlimo naš skupen dom je požela veliko navdušenja, projekcijo pa je navdihnila papeževa okoljska okrožnica Hvaljen, moj Gospod.
A humanitarian coalition comprised of Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Inc., the Li Ka Shing Foundation and Okeanos, in partnership with The Oceanic Preservation Society and Obscura Digital, and under the auspices of the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate initiative, will present a gift of contemporary public art entitled “Fiat Lux: Illuminating our Common Home” to Pope Francis on the opening day of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.
On Dec. 8, a humanitarian coalition comprised of Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Inc., the Li Ka Shing Foundation and Okeanos, in partnership with The Oceanic Preservation Society and Obscura Digital, and under the auspices of the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate initiative, will present a gift of contemporary public art entitled “Fiat Lux: Illuminating our Common Home” to Pope Francis on the opening day of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. At this unprecedented and historic event, beautiful images of our shared natural world will be projected onto the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica in a contemporary work of public art that tells the visual story of the interdependency of humans and life on earth with the planet, in order to educate and inspire change around the climate crisis across generations, cultures, languages, religions and class.
Rare Icons traveled to Rome to capture a historic art projection at St Peter’s Basilica on the opening day of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. Created by a coalition convened by the World Bank’s Connect4Climate initiative, the show aimed to inspire a global audience to tackle climate change through beautiful images of our shared natural world.
Straordinario lo spettacolo di luci “Fiat lux“, ispirato all’ultima enciclica “Laudato si'” e dedicato all’umanità, alla natura e ai cambiamenti del clima. Immagini stupende, tra cui quelle di noti fotografi quali Sebastião Salgado, Joel Sartore, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Ron Fricke e Steve McCurry, sono state proiettate dalle 19 sulla Basilica di San Pietro. Dall’Arca di Noè alle foto degli animali in via di estinzione, ai paesaggi più svariati della Terra, la World Bank Group (Connect4Climate), la Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Productions e altre Fondazioni hanno offerto questo spettacolo che, di concerto con la Conferenza sul Clima delle Nazioni Unite (COP21) di Le Bourget, vuole porre attenzione alle problematiche climatiche del nostro pianeta.
The final event of the opening of the Holy Year was a light show on the facade of St. Peter's Basilica, which was inspired by Pope Francis' ecological encyclical Laudato Si': On Care for our Common Home . The three-hour event on Tuesday evening was called "Fiat Lux: Illuminating Our Common Home."