Dal 2 settembre la Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission sarà presente al Padiglione Italia e al Venice Production Bridge - il prestigioso spazio dedicato alla presentazione e allo scambio di progetti inediti di film e work in progress – per promuovere i talenti e i suoi luoghi, favorire le occasioni di incontro tra professionisti del Cinema Made in Sardegna, produttori e distributori interessati allo sviluppo di progetti sull'Isola.
The video should emphasize what individuals/communities around the world are doing to promote action, offer solutions and inspire positive change to tackle the impacts of climate change. Filmmakers are encouraged to deploy personal narratives that explore fundamental questions such as: What does climate change mean to me?
The Film4Climate Global Video Competition invites filmmakers between the ages of 14-35 years old from all over the world to showcase their talents and create a Public Service Advertisement (PSA) (less than 1 min) or a Short Film (1-5 minutes) about climate action.
تنطلق في منتصف الشهر القادم مسابقة Film4Climate حيث يدعو البنك الدولي صناع الأفلام الشباب الذين تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين 14 إلى 35 عاما للاشتراك في مسابقة أفلام الفيديو القصيرة أو الاعلانات الخدمية عن التغير المناخي والحلول المقترحة، وذلك بحلول الخامس عشر من شهر سبتمبر/أيلول القادم.
The Film4Climate Global Video Competition opens as the centerpiece of the Connect4Climate initiative to promote sustainability in the creative industries through active engagement with young people in finding solutions to climate change.
Un concorso promosso dalla Banca Mondiale propone fino al 15 settembre a giovani creativi, video maker e cineasti di tutto il mondo fra i 14 e i 35 anni di ideare storie sul cambiamento climatico
Campaign launches to promote clean energy and sustainable lifestyles, with stars backing #sport4climate The Rio Olympics are just around the corner. Athletes are warming up for the greatest show on earth. They don't want the earth to get too warm, though. That is the message of the campaign " 1.5C: The record we must not break ".
انسانها و سایر موجودات را بر روی کره خاکی تهدید مینماید. سازمان ملل و سایر موسسات جهانی در کنار اقدامات علمی، اجتماعی و سیاسی که برای کاهش اثرات این معضل انجام میدهند، به اقدامات فرهنگی نیز توجه ویژهای دارند.
Кинематографисты в возрасте от 14 до 35 лет могут представить на конкурс короткие видео, посвященные решениям проблем изменения климата.
Цель международного конкурса видео Film4Climate, организованного программой World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate partnership program, – показать, что люди во всем мире делают для решения проблемы изменения климата.