At the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech, young people have been vocally pushing for more climate ambition and a stronger role of youth in helping to shape national and international climate policies and implementing the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the new Sustainable Development Goals.
On the fourth day of the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, negotiations took place in contact groups and informal consultations under the Conference of the Parties (COP), the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement.
La Journée pour la Jeunesse à la COP22 a célébré les efforts et l’énergie des jeunes dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Le Maroc organisait aussi, en amont de la COP, la COY12 afin de donner aux plus jeunes du monde entier une opportunité de se rencontrer, d’échanger et de se mobiliser. Ces événements sont organisés par YOUNGO, la délégation officielle des jeunes de la CCNUCC.
World youth have been called upon to take active part in educating the world to protect the environment to prevent the devastating effects of climate change. Hakima El Haite, COP22 Special Envoy and Morocco's Climate Champion, urged: "The youth today should spread your message...because maybe we are too old to re-imagine the world to change it."
Hakima El Haite, enviada especial de la COP22 y paladina de Marruecos, se ha dirigido a los jóvenes: "Debemos difundir vuestro mensaje... porque tal vez nosotros somos demasiado viejos para reimaginar el mundo y cambiarlo". El Haite se ha mostrado emocionada por la proxima ceremonia de los Premios Film4Climate y ha recordado a los jóvenes lo que el presidente Obama dijo: "Si, podemos!" cuando se trata de mejorar el medioambiente.
Thursday, 10 November, was themed the Young and Future Generations Day. The aim was to provide an opportunity for young delegates to engage with key players in the intergovernmental climate change arena. The Intergenerational Inquiry was the highlight of the Young and Future Generations day.
Uma curta-metragem sobre os efeitos da seca no sul de Moçambique foi selecionada para a final de um prémio de cinema sobre alterações climáticas, lançado pelo Banco Mundial, com um júri presidido pelo realizador italiano Bernardo Bertolucci.
The upcoming Marrakech Climate Change Conference that will take place from 7-18 November in Morocco will feature an unprecedented digital and media coverage of initiatives in support of global climate change awareness. One of the initiatives - Film4Climate - was established as a natural follow-up to the huge success of the Action4Climate documentary film competition.
Already the Flim4Climate Global Video Competition has more than 250 entries from 100 countries and counting. Each video is telling a story of how skyrocketing carbon emissions and the activities that feed those emissions are having impacts across the globe. More videos are being submitted every day. Each story is its own.