ROMA (MF-DJ) - Una grande alleanza tra Istituzioni, associazioni e aziende per promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile e rendere la tutela ambientale un fattore di crescita. A rendere unico il G7 Ambiente ospitato dall'Italia a Bologna sara' #All4thegreen, un ricchissimo palinsesto di eventi, concerti e manifestazioni sotto le due Torri. Saranno oltre 70 gli appuntamenti in programma dal 5 al 12 giugno, per preparare e accompagnare il G7 Ambiente, che il Governo italiano presiedera' l'11 e il 12 giugno.
During Womens' History Month, and in the days before the first ever #women4climate event (convened by @C40Cities), we took a look at the influencers in the broader climate action and energy conversations. Whose voices are being raised and engaged within Twitter conversations currently? What are THEY talking about? And, how can we connect the dots to tell better, more accessible stories that keep bi-partisan audiences on the cleaner energy path? Connect4Climate is on the list.
As Ntiokam Divine from Cameroon sees it, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were crafted in the specialized parlance of development experts. To make the language understandable to a wider audience, especially among the grassroots population, 34-year old Divine is on a mission to translate the SDGs into Africa’s many local vernaculars using terminology understandable to all.
THE DAILY PIC (#1722): I've seen plenty of good shows in New York over recent months, but none have had the utter urgency of " Perpetual Revolution: The Image and Social Change," which opened a few days ago at the International Center of Photography in New York.
The global partnership taking on climate change Connect4Climate oversaw 860 short films from 155 countries in its recent Film4Climate Global Video Competition from a wealth of talent. Bristol-based film-makers Dani Tinez and Jay Carter-Coles were selected for its ‘Put a Price on Carbon Pollution Award’, which was judged in collaboration with Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC), a World Bank led initiative.
The High-Level Event: Climate Education as a Driver of Change discussed how education accelerates implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. The event also featured the launch of the Action for Climate Empowerment Guidelines and the 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report.
In many ways, Rameshwar Bhatt, 15, is an ordinary teenager. He attends tuition, hangs out with friends, loves films and does not like (he explicitly denied hating) maths. What makes him extraordinary is not just his own life story but the stories he manages to capture on camera.
Part of the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate initiative, the Film4Climate competition features the winners of various categories for under-one-minute PSA videos, and short films under five minutes. Winning productions portray both singular and comprehensive, oftentimes highly self-made movies that reflect the realities of and actions taken by many on the ground.
Young US-based documentary makers have swept the short film category of the Connect4Climate competition with emotional mini-documentaries about climate change.