Join the call for unity in the lead up to and through COP23. We are uniting for climate action. Share your stories, events and messages with #Uniting4Climate.
World Bank’s Global Partnership Program, Connect4Climate is joining the Government of the Republic of Fiji’s incoming Presidency of COP23 in collaboration with Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Italy’s Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea and other partners to present the #Uniting4Climate communications campaign. The campaign is meant to highlight unity in support of climate solutions; countries, cities, regions, businesses, civil society and individuals are “Uniting for Climate Action.”
In the lead up and during COP 23 (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) partners will share messages, host events and showcase climate solutions under the #Uniting4Climate hashtag.
The communications campaign could include solutions to rising oceans and managing vulnerability, the opportunities in climate action, and how low-carbon resilient economies are being built through united actions. Partners are encouraged to share their climate actions and solutions in the lead up to COP23, promote events and activities around COP23, and emphasize the unity in climate action coming out of COP23 towards building a low-carbon resilient future.
Uniting4Climate Panel at UNGA72 in New York
Connect4Climate partnered on the SDG Media Zone at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), which was active from September 18-22, 2017. Connect4Climate supported with speakers, communication coverage, moderation, and also offered a climate-themed day on September 21, 2017.

VR/360-Video Competition
The Uniting4Climate International VR Pitch Competition asks for a pitch – a proposal for a VR production in the form of a 400-word description and a 1 minute sample video – that will use the particular qualities of VR to illustrate and explain to best effect climate solutions and action, inspiring the unity behind solving the climate challenge. The aim is to enable the widest possible international participation for creative people with a passionate interest in, or strong experience of, climate change action and solutions, but also an appetite for exploring the VR production experience.

This year, Fiji assumes the Presidency of COP 23 (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) determined to maintain the momentum of the 2015 Paris Agreement and the concerted effort to reduce carbon emissions and lower the global temperature - becoming the first Small Island Developing State to assume the Presidency.
The #Uniting4Climate communications campaign invites all partners and all audiences to share their climate change experiences online with the hashtag #Uniting4Climate. It supports the COP23 communications and outcomes by fostering a sense of unity in addressing the climate challenge.
Philanthropist Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Productions is the exclusive production partner of the competition, and will produce the VR video of the winning concept. Vulcan Productions previously partnered with the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate program to produce the spectacular large-scale architectural projection and public art display of images of climate change on St. Peter’s Basilica, which was seen by an audience of several billion people, and also served as the presenting partner of the recent Film4Climate video competition, which last year attracted more than 860 entries from 150 countries.
Special Prizes
Other special prizes or Highly Commended Acknowledgements may be awarded depending on the submissions received and the opinions of the jury.

The winners of the #Uniting4Climate competition will be selected by a distinguished jury of preeminent directors, artists, activists and political leaders:
Louie Psihoyos, Director (The Cove, Racing Extinction)
Gian Luca Galletti, Italy’s Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea
Kristalina Georgieva, Chief Executive Officer, The World Bank
Bianca Jagger, Founder, President and Chief Executive of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation
Susan Rockefeller, Conservationist, Film Maker, Founder, Musings
Carole Tomko, General Manager and Creative Director of Vulcan Productions
Inia Seruiratu, Fiji’s Minister for Agriculture, Rural & Maritime Development and National Disaster Management and COP23 High-Level Climate Champion
Gabo Arora, VR director and founder of Lightshed
Greta Scacchi, Actress
Jessica Brillhart, Google’s principal filmmaker for virtual reality
Louis Schwartzberg, Director and producer (Moving Art: Waterfalls, Mysteries of the Unseen World)
Share widely using the hashtag #Uniting4Climate @Connect4Climate @COP23
Get resources in the #Uniting4Climate Drive.
Find here the #Uniting4Climate Social Media Kit.
Presenting Partners
The Connect4Climate program and the Climate Change Group of the World Bank Group, COP23 Presidency, BMZ Germany, City of Bonn, European Union, UNFCCC, UN Foundation, UNEP, and more to come.
Collaborating Partners
Apidae, Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, Building Energy, Earth Day Network, TVE, Centre for Environmental Communication (India), Earth Day Network (USA), Green Hope Foundation (UAE), Luxembourg City Film Festival (Luxembourg), MIT Climate CoLab (USA), Green Shanghai - NYU Shanghai campus (China), Asia-Pacific Media Alliance for Social Awareness (Singapore), TVE (UK), UN CC:Learn, and others.
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