Compelling communication through the arts has always been a central focus for us at Connect4Climate, so it is with great pleasure that we are announcing a number of upcoming #Film4Climate engagements around the #Youth4Climate: #DrivingAmbition event in Milan, all taking place on September 28, the first day of the conference and a designated “day of cinema” within the All4Climate calendar.
At the heart of this celebration will be a screening of Flore Vasseur’s documentary “Bigger Than Us,” to be held for the nearly 400 youth delegates attending Driving Ambition in a dedicated auditorium within the Youth4Climate conference center. Tracing Indonesian climate activist (and Connect4Climate partner) Melati Wijsen’s worldwide journey to find kindred spirits in the Youth4Climate movement and learn how to make a difference at an international scale, the film is sure to inspire and embolden the Driving Ambition delegates as they themselves collaborate on pathways to a sustainable future ahead of the Pre-COP and COP26. Melati will be joining virtually to offer some encouraging words at the top of the film.
PC Kaia Rose, Connect4Climate
It will be an honor for our Connect4Climate team to accept the Venice Film Festival’s tenth annual Green Drop Award in a small ceremony just ahead of this powerful Youth4Climate screening. The Green Drop Award recognizes commitment to broadening climate awareness and motivating action through the medium of film, which C4C has always prioritized through its Film4Climate initiative. We appreciate this accolade and are eager to continue supporting impactful films like “Bigger Than Us.”
Accompanying these festivities will be a public-facing Film4Climate screening event at the local IULM University, featuring introductory remarks from Rector Gianni Canova, Italy’s preeminent film critic.
The Connect4Climate team is very excited for this day of Film4Climate activations and looks forward to seeing what ideas it sparks among a new generation of climate champions.