World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim has called for a social movement to address climate change and is a strong supporter of the Connect4Climate advocacy initiative. During a public interview with Al Gore at the 2015 Annual Cannes Lions Advertising Festival, Sir Martin Sorrell, Chairman of WPP Group of advertising agencies offered to stand arm-in-arm with heads of rival advertising networks at Cannes Lions 2016 if all will pledge solidarity with the climate change movement. The World Bank’s Connect4Climate Campaign is working with the film industry to leverage the entertainment industry in mainstreaming sustainability.
As a follow on to last year’s joint seminar on creative industries, Connect4Climate/Columbia University’ Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) will hold a webinar on May 19 from 12pm to 13pm (UTC/GMT. You may find your Time Zone here) and discussion on the engagement of creative industries for awareness, advocacy and activism on climate change.
What is the real role of the Creative, Media & Entertainment and Advertising Industries in addressing climate change awareness? How can the repository of information on these conversations serve in communicating further to the private-sector the urgent need to shift to sustainable production and to the public on responsible and sustainable consumption?
The webinar will consider the effectiveness of climate movements and campaigns in engaging creative media & entertainment and advertising industries in contributing to climate awareness and action.
Elke U. Weber, Professor of International Business at Columbia Business School and Professor of Psychology and Earth Institute Professor at Columbia University. (5 min Q&A before opening to participants)
Kenneth Berlin, President and CEO, Climate Reality Project, will discuss a program which they put on every year called 24 Hours of Reality. This year they will be broadcasting live from 6 countries with a hub in NYC. The program will run for 24 Hours and have 24 segments, one for each of the 24 largest countries emitting GHGs. (5-7 min)
Lucia Grenna, Program Manager, Connect4Climate (C4C), The World Bank Group will discuss additional activities to engage Media & Entertainment sectors re climate change. (5-7 min)
David Astley, Executive Chairman of The Media Alliance will share his organization’s experience of engaging creative industries, media & entertainment, and advertising sectors in the Asia-Pacific region on climate change as an NGO and on behalf of donor and multi-lateral development institutions such as the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the Asian Development Bank. (5-7 min)
Elke U. Weber, Professor of International Business at Columbia Business School and Professor of Psychology and Earth Institute Professor at Columbia University. (3 min before opening to participants – 3 min summary)
Online – To participate follow this link.