Panel Discussion - Reshaping Our Future: The IPCC Looking Ahead #All4TheGreen

Panel Discussion - Reshaping Our Future: The IPCC Looking Ahead #All4TheGreen
Reshaping Our Future: The IPCC Looking Ahead Panel Discussion at #All4TheGreen - Mobilizing Climate Science Event, in Bologna with:
​  Youba Sokona, Vice Chair, IPCC
​  Carlo Carraro, Chair, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
​  Nadia Pinardi, Co-Chair, JCOMM 
​  Sandro Fuzzi, CNR-ISAC
​  Andrea Segré, President, Edmund Mach Foundation 
​  Moderator: Antonio Navarra, President, CMCC Foundation

About #All4TheGreen - Mobilizing Climate Science:

To mark 30 years of mobilizing climate science, to celebrate the IPCC achievement and debate what needs to be done going forward, a series of events under the All4TheGreen umbrella and organized by Connect4Climate, was presented in Bologna at the oldest university in Europe, on Monday, February 26th, with internationally renowned scientists, government representatives, academics and IPCC leaders all present.