Partner News

One Bite at a Time: Fighting Climate Change from Your Kitchen

Climate change is a big problem, and there are many different things we can do to help our planet. One of the simplest and most impactful is reducing food waste in our day-to-day lives!

The Well-Being of Girls Everywhere Demands Climate Action

Earlier this month, we marked the International Day of the Girl Child, the commemorative day established in 2011 by the United Nations General Assembly to foreground the needs and aspirations of the

Run for the Planet: A Global Initiative Removes a Staggering Three Tons of Trash

What if every step we took could be a step toward a cleaner planet? During the annual Run for the Planet worldwide event, over 300 participants representing 21 countries offered a resounding answer, recovering upwards of three tons of trash in total.

Join This Vital Webinar Series Ahead of COP28!

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is partnering with Connect4Climate, the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD), and YOUNGO’s Food and Agriculture Working Group  on an all-new youth-led webinar series that will provide a valuable space for intergenerational exchange.

Repping Young Leaders at a Major World Bank Event

This past week, I hopped on a ten-hour overnight bus from Boston to Washington, D.C. to make the most of a one-of-a-kind opportunity.

What I Brought to COP15 – and What It Brought Me

Before I left home, I wasn’t sure what to expect from my trip to Montreal for the fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, a.k.a. COP15. I had attended research conferences and was no stranger to international travel, but policy and government were spheres rather foreign to me.

Seaweed Is In Style

The crossover of food and fashion is becoming increasingly common, with bio-based textiles gaining entrée into the new realm of sustainable fashion. Among the most commonly used organic materials are seaweed, coffee grounds, corn, pineapple and spoilt milk.

How Local Heroes Are Made: Run for the Planet

With one or maybe two exceptions, local heroes don’t come from mutant spider bites. Really, local heroes are made, and the key has always been consistent, small daily actions – positive habits. You see, when ordinary people begin to realize that even their small actions can create a global impact to help our planet, mobilization and capacity building skyrocket!

World Environment Day: Empowering Action Through Sport

Change begins small. One word, one idea, one conversation can lead to a change in the course of humankind. Right now, we need change more than ever to save our home, planet Earth.

Nature Saving Cities

Climatic disruptions such as heat waves and air pollution are among the biggest challenges facing our cities today. To address these issues, urban planners are turning to Nature-Based Solutions—NBS for short. Bringing nature back into urban areas through solutions such as green spaces and living walls has become a priority for many municipalities worldwide.