Making a difference: Youth action on climate change

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Making a difference: Youth action on climate change
February 27, 2018
Rachel Madeline

I am a 13-year-old living in a world that has many imperfections. Ever since I was younger, I’ve been fascinated by the planet, how beautiful and mysterious it was. Soon I came to realize that our world is dying. This generation can help solve climate change, we can help the planet and change it for the next generation. I decided that I wanted to make a difference and help the world.

Making a difference - Rachel Madeline story

Not many people believe that to make a difference they just need the motivation to do so. Me and my friend searched up youth environmentalists in the UK, but we couldn't find a way to get fully involved. So, we decided to create a crew of our own that would help the earth. I’ve been writing letters and sending emails to people all over the globe, and we discussed the issues happening on our planet. For people to make a difference and change the path we are on, we must go out of our comfort zones and act on climate change.

Making a difference - Rachel Madeline story

Do you really want to go through your life knowing that the next generation and the one after that won't get to see the beautiful world how we see it now? It is so frustrating that people ignore the fact that climate change is happening, and that it’s the biggest threat to humanity and nature.

Making a difference - Rachel Madeline story

Everyone on the earth has a choice to help the planet, and you can start with something little like recycling and turning down the heating, then you can go onto writing letters and creating a crew. I would love to have a voice, to have people with the same passion and interest as you listen, and act on the most significant threat in the world.

About the author:

Rachel Madeline lives in the UK, and she believes that the environment and the planet should be treated with uttermost respect, as without it we wouldn’t be here. Madeline says that being a teenager means that most people believe that adolescents are not motivated or mature enough to be aware or concerned about this global issue. This way, Madeline urges all readers and young environmentalist to read her story to help the planet that gave us life.