Climate Resources that Inspire Me

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Climate Resources that Inspire Me
January 25, 2018
Jennifer McGregor

Now that I’m in med school, I’m more aware than ever of my health, and one of the best things I’ve ever done for my overall health is becoming a vegetarian. And although this was initially a change I made for my own well-being, the more research I do, the more I realize it’s also good for the planet.

It’s really important that we all do what we can to halt or even reverse the effects of climate change, and eating a plant-based (or even mostly plant-based) diet is one of many things we can all do to make a significant impact. The health of our planet has really become an important topic to me lately, and since I know not everyone is interested in giving up meat, I’m doing what I can to shed light on some of the actions we can all take to live a greener life.

As part of those efforts,  these are some of the fantastic resources that inspire my daily life and make me act.

 A Guide to Becoming a Tree Hugger

 Eat More Plants to Improve Health, Combat Climate Change

 Infographic: We all want to help the planet. But how?

 15 Tips to Make Your Home More Green

 The Top Green Home Building Techniques

 The Green Guide to Downsizing: How to Modify Your Home for More Eco-Conscious Living

 Incorporating ‘Green’ Into Your Business Practices

  Culinary Resources for Vegetarianism

 5 Steps To Become An Eco-Friendly Pet Parent

About the author

Jennifer McGregor is a pre-med student, who loves providing reliable health and medical resources for users. She knows how difficult it can be to sift through the mountains of health-related information on the web. She co-created the site with a friend as a way to push reputable information on health topics to the forefront, making them easier and quicker to find.