Energy Efficient Office Buildings

Energy Efficient Office Buildings

By 2050, Earth’s population will have grown by 3 billion. That’s a lot of extra people to house, feed and sustain. 70% of the world’s population will be living in cities, so now is the time to start building energy efficient and sustainable buildings. 

Increased demand is a certainty and we can no longer deny the elephant in the room. We need to address the issue of creating buildings that support the demand without setting us further back in other areas. Energy efficiency saves money and creates jobs and will be essential to both homes and businesses in the future.

The examples in this infographic show just how effective energy efficient and sustainable buildings can be, as well as how creative.

About the author:

Helen Green writes about all things concerning design and parenting. She specializes in infographics and articles that are both informative and fun to read. She relishes writing about Home Designing & Décor ideas and occasionally shares here views & knowledge on random topics as well.

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