Press Release: Film4Climate International Charter presented in Paris (COP21)

Film4Climate|Communication|Education|Policy|C4C News

This Charter commits to eliminate the environmental and community negative impacts of visual media productions, and to strongly advocate for the adoption of industry-wide incentives that will encourage sustainable practices including, but not limited to the conservation of natural resources, the reduction of carbon emissions, the recycling of sets and location waste, and the promotion of environmental literacy. Partners will include Filmmakers, Film Commissions, National Institutes, Film and Television Schools, Production and Distribution Companies, Exhibitors, Union and Trade Organizations.

Partners will follow these environmental actions available to the visual media in all stages of production, from development through exhibition. Partners accept the challenge:

  • To demonstrate respect for the earth by limiting land modification and habitat degradation, avoiding contamination, and guarding against the introduction of invasive species;
  • To utilize environmental experts to assist production whenever possible, and to train
  • Eco Supervisors and department heads to facilitate comprehensive sustainability measures;
  • To respect scientific knowledge and information in both production and storytelling content, and to incorporate climate messaging and education whenever possible;
  • To use “Best Practice” guidelines to guide achievable goals during production as outlined by industry leaders, including EcoProd, PGA Green, Albert and Edison Green. These include policies for responsible purchasing that promotes “fair trade” and “green” products;
  • To explore new technologies and innovative ways to reduce the carbon footprint of productions including LED lighting, cameras with advanced sensors for low lighting, rechargeable batteries, alternative fuels, solar and other sources of renewable energy;
  • To use practical software or carbon calculators to analyze, calculate and reduce the carbon footprints of film productions;
  • To create and make available Sustainability Reports for each production to be shared with cast, crew and financiers, and to promote education and public awareness of eco efforts;
  • To employ carbon offsets, or compensate and make positive environmental contributions to communities negatively impacted by production.

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